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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

23/06/17 - VC Justin Caldbeck is taking an indefinite leave of absence, apologizes to the women he ‘made feel uncomfortable’

In light of allegations of sexual harassment and unwanted sexual advances, Binary Capital co-founder and managing Partner Justin Caldbeck is taking an indefinite leave of absence. In a statement provided to TechCrunch, Caldbeck apologized for his behavior, directing it “first to those women who I've made feel uncomfortable in any way, at any time – but also to the greater... Read More

23/06/17 - A iMedia Brand Summit Biarritz, on a surfé sur le marketing digital

Retour sur iMedia Band Summit, la conférence sur le Marketing Digital qui se tenait à Biarritz les 13 et 14 juin.

23/06/17 - Vol d'identité : Facebook sécurise votre photo de profil

Pour lutter contre les vols et usurpations d'identité, Facebook a mis au point un nouvel outil qui sécurise les photos de profil de ses utilisateurs. Grâce à cette fonctionnalité, il est im [...]

23/06/17 - Windows 10 Fall Creators Update : une nouvelle build apporte son lot d'améliorations

Microsoft publie la Build 16226 de sa prochaine mise à jour, Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, disponible dès à présent aux utilisateurs membres du Windows Insider et elle inclut diverses [...]

22/06/17 - Russian freight service Deliver closes seed round of $8M, with European plans

Russia-based online freight service Deliver (formerly iCanDeliver) has closed a seed round of $8 million. The startup automates the process of ordering freight transport and makes things more efficient by finding the closest sender. Inventure Partners (which has invested in Gett, Busfor, Amwell, Chronext and Netology) invested $3 million, joining A&NN Group and Singapore-based Amereus Group... Read More

22/06/17 - Honda Clarity grows from one-shot to series

For years, the Honda Clarity has been one thing: a hydrogen fuel-cell powered sedan available for lease to a vetted group of early adopters in California. Now in its third generation, the Honda Clarity fuel-cell car is still basically that. But it's getting a couple of friends. This year, the Honda Clarity adds two new versions: an all-electric car and a plug-in hybrid. Granted, the... Read More

22/06/17 - YouTube has 1.5 billion logged-in monthly users watching a ton of mobile video

This year at VidCon, YouTube shared some new metrics that really drive home how much its dominating mobile video usage and how quickly its service is gaining viewers on TVs. The highlight was the fact that there are now 1.5 billion logged-in users visiting the site every month. The distinction is important as there are undoubtedly still quite a few folks hopping on YouTube that aren't... Read More

22/06/17 - La FACE de VxWorks 653

VxWorks 653 est désormais conforme à la norme FACE (Future Airborne Capability Environment), nous apprend Wind River. Traduction ? - Logiciels

22/06/17 - At the White House’s emerging tech event, drones are one of the day’s big topics

Tech leaders gathered today at the White House for a series of focused sessions on hot topics in tech. Thursday's event, titled “American Leadership in Emerging Technology,” is the second big piece of the White House's Technology Week, continuing on from Tuesday's discussion about modernizing government technology. “We're on the verge of new... Read More

22/06/17 - Devops REX revient à Paris le 2 octobre

Devops REX revient au Grand REX à Paris, pour une seconde édition le 2 octobre avec plus de 800 participants attendus. L'appel à communications est ouvert. - Agenda

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