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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

31/03/16 - ‘Ryan’s Law’ proposed to allow you to cancel Comcast online with one click

Today in local news, Los Angeles Assemblyman Mike Gatto has introduced a bill that would allow Californians to cancel their Internet or cable services online with ‘one click'. The bill, which has no official nickname but I am hereby dubbing ‘Ryan's Law' for reasons that will become apparent, takes the following stance: “AB 2867 allows Californians to... Read More

31/03/16 - Dyson’s new purifier fan purportedly tackles the problem of home air quality

“Fresh air” is a concept most often associated with the “great outdoors”. Dyson is looking to make your home nature fresh by ridding it of indoor pollutants with the Pure Cool Link purifier fan. Hopefully, the engineering that went into James Dyson's new gadget is better than the branding. The company's proposed ingenuity is that the Pure Cool Link is a... Read More

31/03/16 - Innovation Act might be dead, but innovation lives on

As a former patent examiner, I recognize that the patent system, in its purest form, should protect and incentivize innovation through a limited-term contract, offering exclusive monopoly rights covering a technology, product or design element. In practice, it's much uglier, and by no means did the Founding Fathers intend for patents to be utilized toward incremental monopolization ploys. Read More

31/03/16 - Sorry, Oculus, but Hololens gets my money

The battle between headsets you strap to your heads is being brought to a rolling boil this week, as Microsoft's HoloLens Dev Kit and Oculus Rift both start shipping to customers. Being a lover of cutting-edge tech, you'd expect I'd be in lust with both technologies, but no. HoloLens did something to me that Oculus never managed: It made me think I was leaping into the... Read More

31/03/16 - Dossier e-learning : Moodle

Moodle, qui signifie Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, est un système d'apprentissage en ligne. Il a été créé par Martin Dougiamas en 2002, est publié sous licence GPL et maintenu par sa communauté. - Revue / Oui, AlaUne

31/03/16 - This neural network ‘hallucinates’ the right colors into black and white pictures

The machine overlords of the future may now, if it pleases them, eliminate all black and white imagery from the history of their meat-based former masters. All they'll need is this system from Berkeley computer scientist Richard Zhang, which allows a soulless silicon sentience to “hallucinate” colors into any monochrome image. Read More

31/03/16 - IPhone SE : un démarrage timide

L’iPhone SE sort le 31 mars et il était en précommande depuis le 24 mars. L’iPhone SE a été annoncé en fanfare mais les clients ne semblent pas se ruer sur...

31/03/16 - Sure, why not? FBI agrees to unlock iPhone for Arkansas prosecutor

The FBI, which just a few days ago was attempting to convince the country of its helplessness in the face of encrypted iPhones, has generously offered its assistance in unlocking an iPhone and iPod for a prosecutor in Arkansas Read More

30/03/16 - Petya : la nouvelle bête noire des internautes

L'article Petya : la nouvelle bête noire des internautes peut être consulté sur JustGeek. « Petya, c'est quoi encore ce truc-là ? » Eh bien les amis, il s'agit d'un nouveau type... L'article Petya : la nouvelle bête noire des internautes a été publié en premier sur JustGeek.

30/03/16 - Never 10 : Bloquer la mise à niveau vers Windows 10... pour toujours

L'article Never 10 : Bloquer la mise à niveau vers Windows 10... pour toujours peut être consulté sur JustGeek. Votre ordinateur tourne sous Windows 7 ou Windows 8.1 et vous êtes toujours embêté avec les... L'article Never 10 : Bloquer la mise à niveau vers Windows 10... pour toujours a été publié en premier sur JustGeek.

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