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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

17/05/17 - OSVehicle comes out of stealth with a modular self-driving car called EDIT

OSVehicle is a B2B Self-Driving vehicle startup, backed by Y Combinator, which creates what they call ‘white-label solutions' for auto fleets owners. Dubbed ‘EDIT' this claims to be the first “ready-to-use Self-Driving EV” which is modular, open to different designs and “white-labelled”, in that it can be branded with any car marque. Emerging out... Read More

17/05/17 - HTC Vive annonce un casque autonome de réalité virtuelle avec Daydream

A l'occasion de l'événement Google I/O 2017, HTC Vive annonce le développement d'un casque de réalité virtuelle autonome sous environnement Daydream qui n'aura besoin ni de smartphone ni de PC pour fonctionner.

17/05/17 - Le retour de Biz Stone peut-il sauver Twitter ?

La santé de Twitter n'est pas au beau fixe. Et ce malgré le retour de Jack Dorsey à la barre en 2015. Le retour de Biz Stone, un autre co-fondateur emblématique peut-il vraiment inverser la courbe et mener de nouveau l'entreprise vers le succès ?

17/05/17 - Le retour de Biz Stone peut-il sauver Twitter ?

La santé de Twitter n'est pas au beau fixe. Et ce malgré le retour de Jack Dorsey à la barre en 2015. Le retour de Biz Stone, un autre co-fondateur emblématique peut-il vraiment inverser la courbe et mener de nouveau l'entreprise vers le succès ?

17/05/17 - And the winner of Startup Battlefield at Disrupt NY 2017 is… RecordGram

Startups participating in the Startup Battlefield have all been hand-picked to participate in our highly competitive startup competition. They all presented in front of multiple groups of VCs and tech leaders serving as judges for a chance to win $50,000 and the coveted Disrupt Cup. After hours of deliberations, TechCrunch editors pored over the judges' notes and narrowed the list down... Read More

17/05/17 - Crunch Report | Symphony Messaging App Joins the Unicorn Club

It's Day 2 from Disrupt New York, Symphony joins the Unicorn Club, you can now sort Instagram stories by location and scientists 3D-printed ovaries and made mouse babies. All this on Crunch Report. Read More

17/05/17 - These are the six finalists in the TechCrunch Disrupt NY Startup Battlefield

Over the past two days, 20 companies have taken the stage at TechCrunch's Startup Battlefield, where they presented their products and took questions from our expert judges. Now, with the help of those judges, we've selected five startups to compete tomorrow in the Battlefield finals. They are: Collider Collider‘s flagship printer Orchid, which is still in a... Read More

17/05/17 - There’s no shame in a $100M startup

The era of unicorn startups has created a distorted view of entrepreneurial success. All the talk about billion-dollar exits has inflated the numbers that define a win. Starting and selling a company for $100 million dollars is an outlier event in terms of pure entrepreneurial probability, but such outcomes are viewed as well short of success in many corners of today's startup world. Read More

16/05/17 - Mike Allen of Axios: People want sophisticated explanations, not long ones

Mike Allen, the co-founder and executive editor of business, tech and politics news site, is spending a lot of time these days thinking about information today, and how best to deliver it. As the former chief political reporter of Politico, and now at Axios, he's among a set of journalists who have helped to elevate the process of writing a newsletter to an art and a... Read More

16/05/17 - AMD’s new top-end Radeon Vega graphics cards are taking aim at competing GPUs

It's high-time for AMD to announce a new generation graphics card and it's done just that with the Radeon Vega Frontier Edition. This potentially deadly duo of souped-up GPUs take aim at NVIDIA's Pascal series, namely the GTX 1080, 1080Ti and even directly, to the more recently announced Titan Xp. Here are the nerdy details: the Vega features 64 compute units, an... Read More

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