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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

31/12/15 - LG et Samsung fourniront les écrans OLED de l’iPhone

Selon le journal coréen Electronic Times, Samsung et LG ont été choisis pour fournir les écrans OLED des futurs iPhone. On ignore cependant quand Apple adoptera cette technologie nouvelle. Depuis quelques semaines, la rumeur prétend qu’Apple équipera les iPhone d’écrans OLED à partir de 2018. On sait à présent quelles entreprises ont été choisies pour [...]

31/12/15 - Disney Research Creates A Robot That Can Fly Up Walls

Disney Research and the research group at ETH Zurich have created a car that can drive, fly, jump, and ride up walls. By using propellers and wheels, the robot can fly over obstacles and then smack against walls for a little vertical action. Called the VertiGo, the robot's wheels are actually unpowered. All of the motion comes from the propellers which send it rolling across the ground... Read More

31/12/15 - Test Alienware Graphics Amplifier : bonne idée, mauvais prix


31/12/15 - This 3D-Printed Star Destroyer Is Two Feet Long

The Star Destroyer, one of the largest ships in the Star Wars universe, has been recreated in excruciating detail in the form of a two-foot long 3D-printed ship consisting of thousands of small parts. It was, as the creator suggested, a big job. You can check out a set of images here but, sadly, there aren't plans just yet. Using a PowerSpec 3D Pro printer and three rolls of filament... Read More

31/12/15 - Les 50 attaques informatiques qui ont marqué le web Français en 2015

Pendant qu'il est possible de lire un peu partout sur le web le « top 5 », le « top 7 » des attaques informatiques dans le monde, ZATAZ préfère regarder du côté de VOS ordinateurs avec le top 50 des attaques informatiques qui ont touché la France et les ...

30/12/15 - Group Commerce Startup Massdrop Is Working With Its Users To Design New Products

Massdrop‘s investors have argued that the group commerce site is more a community than a straightforward marketplace. Here's one way that Massdrop is doing things differently — a new initiative called Massdrop Collabs. The startup has built specialist communities for folks such as audiophiles and mechanical keyboard fans, and it offers group-buying opportunities to those... Read More

30/12/15 - Faire planter WhatsApp avec le sourire

Un informaticien malicieux découvre comment faire planter WhatsApp en envoyant des milliers de smiley. Faire planter le WhatsApp de votre correspondant est devenu un jeu d'enfant après la découverte d'un bug par Indrajeet Bhuyan. Ce chercheur en sécurité informatique a réussi un débordem...

30/12/15 - Recognizing Probabilities In Budgeting And Forecasting

Based on practical experience with hundreds of early stage companies over many years, we generally recommend the following budgeting best practices. We call it the Bessemer Optimal Budget, and it involves explicitly recognizing probabilities in budgeting and forecasting. Read More

30/12/15 - Watch Two Guys Stick A GoPro Into A Homemade Pneumatic Cannon And Shoot It Really High

There are few things as exciting as shooting things into the air using a 3D-printed cannon. That's why this video is so important – and so educational. The two lads who made it, David and Ryan, have created a sort of cannonball for their GoPro and then have been shooting it up, up, up until it tumbles, whistling back to the ground. But this is pretty dumb, you say. It's just... Read More

30/12/15 - The Indian Startup Scene In 2015

India has now become one of the largest bases for startups in the world after the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. It is also the youngest with more than 72 percent of its startups founded by entrepreneurs younger than 35. These two trends are driving an increasingly online and mobile new internet entrepreneurial culture. Read More

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