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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

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25/09/15 - Open-Sourcing Data Is The Only Way Forward For An Advanced Internet Economy

The founder of all that we survey on the web, Tim Berners-Lee, said on this site a few years ago that, “Data is the New Links.” He argued that with the ever-expanding world of data-driven products, and the explosion of graphs and social media, the benefits would only be realized by a positive attitude to sharing the data in an accessible way, without expecting too much in return. Read More

25/09/15 - An Investor’s Journey To Future Science And Technology

Venture capital is booming again. VCs invested a total of $48 billion last year — the highest amount in a decade. The lion's share went to software, which attracted $19.8 billion, versus just $6 billion for biotech. There are many reasons why, and it's worth in-depth exploration: Our ability to thrive on planet Earth depends on our ability to make continued scientific... Read More

25/09/15 - Infographie : les 10 étapes pour optimiser son site en SEO

Une infographie qui récapitule les 10 étapes essentielles à suivre, pas à pas, pour obtenir un site optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche, dans le cadre d'une stratégie SEO efficace... Notre infographie du vendredi est proposée aujourd'hui par l'excellent site Axe Net et explique les 10 étapes indispensables pour créer un site web visible sur les ...

24/09/15 - Android 6.0 Marshmallow le 5 octobre pour les Nexus 5 et Nexus 6 ?

Android 6.0 Marshmallow devrait être officiellement lancé le 29 septembre avec les Nexus 5P et Nexus 6X mais les modèles Nexus 5 et 6 pourront migrer à partir du 5 octobre.

24/09/15 - OpenSubtitlesPlayer : un lecteur audio/vidéo pour tous vos formats

Jouissez de tous vos fichiers multimédia en toute tranquillité, avec OpenSubtitlesPlayer.

24/09/15 - Oakland To Tech: Please Don’t Screw This Up Like Last Time

A few weeks ago, I was having lunch with Darrell Jones III, who heads up business development at Clef, at the southern restaurant Pican a few blocks away from the Oakland building that 3,000 Uber workers are slated to move into by 2017. Jones, who is half-black and half-Filipino and grew up partly on the North Side of Chicago, makes a point of being a patron at mostly black-owned businesses in... Read More

24/09/15 - Samsung Galaxy S7 : vers un lancement début février ?

Le Galaxy S7 ne serait pas lancé à la fin de l'année mais début 2016, au mois de février après une annonce dès le mois de janvier.

24/09/15 - Meet Jukin Media, The Company That Now Owns Pizza Rat

PizzaRat, the lovable scampering rodent that took the Internet by storm last week, now has representation in Hollywood. An entertainment company called Jukin Media bought the rights to the 15-second video that reached over 5 million views on YouTube, a move that surprised many of the rat's fans who retweeted gifs of the rodent in action. The guy who recorded PizzaRat, comedian Matt... Read More

24/09/15 - The Surprising Bias Of Venture Capital Decision-Making

Stories of entrepreneurs launching innovative ideas, raising millions in venture capital and turning startups such as Uber, Airbnb and Snapchat into multi-billion dollar companies has catapulted venture capital investments, setting record numbers since the dot-com era. On the surface, it appears that investors have everything under control. But as we peel back the layers, empirical research... Read More

24/09/15 - Snapdragon Flight, la nouvelle arme de Qualcomm.

Pas de doute, le constructeur de puce électronique Qualcomm est dans sa phase intensive de développement et de marketing. Après avoir annoncé la sortie de... Cet article Snapdragon Flight, la nouvelle arme de Qualcomm. est apparu en premier sur .

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