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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

20/02/13 - Sony NEX-3N

Après les rumeurs, Sony vient d'officialiser son nouvel APN hybride grand public avec le NEX-3N. Fini les C3 ou F3, on revient à des références plus logiques. Conscient que le...

20/02/13 - Ingredient Subscription Service Blue Apron Raises $3M To Help You Cook Fresh Meals

Blue Apron, a startup that aims to help you cook new foods while taking a lot of the inconvenience and waste out of the process, announced today that it has raised a $3 million Series A. The company delivers fresh ingredients and instructions for up to three meals a week, for $9.99 per person per meal. When we wrote about the company last fall, it was only available in the Northeastern US. Now the company says that it delivers to 50 percent of the country (it hasn't reached the West Coast yet) with 6,000 meals delivered each week. It has also added a vegetarian option.

19/02/13 - Singapore Fashion Retailer Inverted Edge Takes $1.2M Funding

A yet-to-be-launched Singaporean fashion retail site has secured $1.2 million

19/02/13 - Le Mac Pro n’est plus disponible en Europe

Comme prévu, le Mac Pro n'est plus disponible sur les Apple Store en ligne en Europe. Les revendeurs peuvent quant à eux continuer à vendre leur stock jusqu’au 1er mars. Le Mac Pro est retiré de la vente dans l’Union européenne, les pays candidats et l’AELE car il ne répond pas à certai...

19/02/13 - L’effet Kevin Bacon : n’importe quelle page web est à 19 clics d’une autre

En théorie, n’importe quel(le) acteur ou actrice sur la planète pourrait être relié(e) à Kevin Bacon en 6 étapes ou moins. Et en théorie, selon le physicien hongrois Albert-László Barabási, n’importe quelle page tirée au hasard sur Internet peut être ... Continuer la lecture →

19/02/13 - How To Sell A Car To The Mobile-First Generation

I'm shopping for a car right now. Just something that can handle a little city driving and frequent trips to the cottage in the warmer months, with the ability to haul a decent amount of cargo. I'm weighing factors like size, fuel economy, engine power, cargo space and FWD vs. AWD, but for my purposes most of those points are relatively moot; I really just need something to get me from A to B. But I find myself more concerned with the in-car entertainment system, and how it works with my mobile device of choice.

19/02/13 - Casio EX-ZS30 : 20 MP pour 130 euros

Casio ZS-30 : 20 MP pour 130 euros... voilà un argument de vente qui séduira plus d'un de ceux qui peuvent avoir du mal à ne pas céder aux sirènes des pixels... Cependant l'entrée de gamme reste l'entrée de gamme et il ne faudra pas sattendre à des mirache de ces 20 MP d'autant qu'ils sont "issus" d'une technologie

19/02/13 - Y Combinator-Backed Zenefits Gives Small Businesses A One-Stop Shop For Finding And Managing Employee Benefits

For startups and small businesses, providing and managing benefits can be a huge headache. In the early stages, this responsibility generally falls into the hands of founders, who have to contact insurance brokers and manage the whole enrollment process themselves. It's distracting and tedious, but it's also a critical

19/02/13 - Fujitsu Finally Enters Europe’s Smartphone Market With A Senior-Focused Android Device With France Telecom, Starting In June

It was exactly a year ago that news began to surface of Fujitsu's intention to come to Europe with its Android-based smartphones. Now the Japanese company is finally coming good on those reports: on Tuesday, Fujitsu is launching its first device in Europe, marking its first "extensive foray into the smartphone market outside Japan."

19/02/13 - TC Cribs: Lit Motors, Where Sleek Electric Cars

We're back with a brand new Cribs, the TechCrunch TV series where we go inside the gates of the hottest tech companies and get a grand tour of what the day-to-day work life is like -- warts, perks, and all. In this episode, we headed to an industrial stretch of San Francisco's Folsom Street that's generally better known

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